Art/Picture Hanging Services & More

BIG Helpers provides professional wall hanging services. We specialize in gallery-style art installation and excel at collages or artwork that needs precise measurements. We bring all the tools for a professional installation, including various anchors, hardware, laser leveler, etc. We will professionally measure, hang, level and secure your art, pictures, mirrors, shelves and more.

Wall Hanging Services: $50
Most items under 35 lbs. or 4' ft. X 4' ft. can be hung by one (1) picture installer but depending on the size, weight, value or the number of items to be hung, two (2) installers may be necessary.

$50 an hour, per installer with a
(2 hour min $100)

$100 an hour, for two (2) installers with a
(2 hour min $200)

Blind & Curtain Installation Services
$100.00 for the first two Blinds/Curtains and $25 for each additional Blinds/Curtains added to the order.

There is a one (1) hour minimum, per person, for each additional service added to the order (unless the cost of the service is a flat rate project).

Some assembly projects are priced at flat rates (rather than hourly) due to the value of items, liability, complexity of assembly, weight and/or size of the furniture.